Welcome To The Year 2022

Welcome To The Year 2022

It's another year and there's so much excitement in the air right now. Everyone is thanking God for another year; people are talking about the plans for the New Year, some even have it written down. “My new year resolution.”  “This year I'm going to get into the university.” “At the end of this year, I would have saved 1 million naira.” “This is my year of breakthrough and advancement.” These are, of course, beautiful plans. One definitely must go into the New Year with a vision so as not to lose focus and wander aimlessly through the Year. Even as we map out our plans, it is important to include the most important plan of all which is to live purposefully for Jesus in 2022.

Yes, you should make the money, build the family and the career. However, nothing must take the place of your living for Jesus. In 2022, all other pursuits should stem from your pursuit of God. Live for Jesus, grow in Him, make up your mind to pray better this year, study God's word better, enjoy more fellowship with the people of God, tell more people about Jesus (win more souls), manifest the fruit of the spirit like never before: be patent, kind, joyful, not taking into the consideration the circumstances around, be full of peace, and self controlled, live without fear, full of faith and trust in God. All these are possible, not by your own strength, but as you rely on the power of the Holy Spirit within you.

'Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes'. (Ephesians 3:20, TLB)

Remember that we only have one life to live and it must count for something. The day is coming when we will all stand before our God.  Like Paul we must be ready, we must be prepared for His coming. Oh yes, our Lord is coming soon. Therefore, live everyday of 2022 purposefully, live it for Jesus. Live it waiting for His return. Live it fulfilling the purpose for which He has you here on earth, live it utilizing the gifts He has given you to serve Him, live it carrying out the assignments and tasks He has committed to your hands.

Do not be troubled, wondering how the year will go.  The word of God says “… your expectation will not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18, MEV), for “The one who has called you is faithful and He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24, NIV).

As you go through the year, rest in the finished work of Christ, rest in His faithfulness. He will never leave you hanging, God will always come through for you. If you have not yet accepted Jesus, then this is the best me to make that decision. Refuse to continue to walk in darkness. Jesus is waiting; He loves you. He wants to help you; He doesn't want you to live this life all by yourself. It is His desire to make life easier for you, He wants you to rest in Him. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Mahew 11:28-30 NLT. Do not delay a moment longer, make that decision now, tell Him to come into your life and transform it. 

Enjoy God's faithfulness in the New Year.  HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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Oluwaseun Mohammed
January 05, 2022

Thank you for the encouraging words. I look forward to get more 💛

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