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How are you doing? We trust that your faith in Christ is being strengthened by the day. We hope that our write-ups and Bible studies have helped you see yourself as God sees you. As you continue to grow in faith, you need to regularly explore the truths of God’s Word.
Well, we would like to assist you in this as well. In this Bible reading plan, we will be taking a close look at the Book of Galatians. The Book of Galatians was one of the earliest letters written by the Apostle Paul. In this epistle, Paul stands firm against those who knowingly perverted the gospel message. These people taught that believing in the person of Jesus and His work on the cross was not sufficient for salvation, thus, there was the need to add circumcision and observance of other legislation from the Mosaic laws. Paul refuted this earnestly. He emphasizes with his personal experiences and divine teachings that we are justified and become heirs of the blessings of Abraham through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. The climax of the book is the contrast of life in the flesh and that of the Spirit.
We have designed a 21-day reading plan to help you navigate and explore the teachings for yourself. There is a passage for each day as well as questions to help you locate the lessons within. Please take time each day, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into the truth of the Word (John 14:26). Carefully read the passage in the version you understand easily and look out for truths to grasp. Read the questions and try to find the answers in the passage for the day. This plan was designed with the New King James Version (NKJV), but we encourage you to also read the passages in translations you may find more explicit, such as the New Living Translation (NLT) or Good News Bible (GNB). It will be nice to have a notebook to write the lessons you learn.
Don’t forget to talk to God about truths you learn and to apply them to your own life. Of course, we look forward to reading from you on lessons you’ve learned and questions you may have.
Have a great time in the Word!
Sola Oladele
Do you think you or anybody else may need our help in their walk with God? Leave your (or their) name and contact details below and we will be in touch